Kathy Schwartz

Teaching staff
Kathy teaches adult group classes, plus private lessons for piano and organ students.
Marella Broxterman, Director of Children's Music is a church organist and CCM graduate. She teaches private piano, organ and keyboard students ages 5-18.
John Zulli, a retired public scool music teacher and CCM graduate, teaches group keyboard classes on Thursday evenings for children ages 8-12. John also provides private beginner lessons for flute, clarinet, and saxophone.

Marella Broxterman
John Zulli

Chris Lackey
Chris Lackey and Cheryl Scarborough teach adult beginner classes. Chris is studying for his Doctorate in Theology and has been Kathy's student for about three years. Cheryl is retired from an engineering company and has worked for Kathy for about nine years. Both enjoy helping adults reach their dream of learning to play piano and organ.